An MLB team began using MuscleSound® to evaluate and monitor their players’ Muscle Fuel levels before the 2013 season. Since then, the club has seen a drastic decrease in soft tissue injuries that have saved the organization millions of dollars in lost salaries. The following outlines how the training staff has incorporated MuscleSound into their everyday routine in order to improve performance and ensure healthy return to play strategies.

Background: This player was suffering from inflammation/patellar tendonitis on his left knee. He was on a return to play rehab program with the team’s Athletic Trainer.

MuscleSound® Intervention: Testing was done on both legs to allow for analysis on possible biomechanical variances due to overcompensation. The graphic below shows his charted glycogen levels during his return to play testing. As illustrated, the last two bar clusters display equal scores between the left and right leg indicating that he was, in fact, recovering from the tendonitis and that the return to play program was undeniably working.

Result: MuscleSound was the key tool used to adjust and tailor the daily rehab regimen. The Athletic Trainer was able to immediately adjust the daily program based on real-time measured variances. MuscleSound ensured proper rehab intensity levels and speed to which the return to play program was completed.

MLB Story 4